Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Door 12 - Antiquing

For some reason the boys get mistaken for being a gay couple a lot.

Well.. to answer your question Dean... could it be because of this:

Or this...:

Maybe this one has something to do with it?

Here some more:

And the last one:

Wonder why?!

Guess it should have been 12 days left.


Anonymous said...

I just love all the videos and all the manip wincest photos as well. \o/

It is no wonder people think they are gay because they are always touching and smiling at each other. ;)

In Bugs, Something Wicked, Playthings & Lazarus Rising someone thought they were a gay couple. In Bedtime Stories, Jus In Bello & Born Under a Bad Sign they had a gay sexual innuendo.

Just love this blog. XOXO

PKtechGirl said...

I'm glad you like them! :D I've spent hours on YT to find the right ones.

Yeah! They definitely are touching and smiling and giving each other sexy looks all the time. They are so in love! They just haven't processed it them selves yet. They'll catch on soon. Oh boy! Would love to be a fly on the wall that day. ;)

KAZ_2Y5 said...

OMG thank you!!!! lol I love this blog! :P

Can you link me up for those vids? If you don't have the links that's ok, I can look for them.

Lots of pics of the boys with one of them with a hand over the other one's heart awww lol.

The looks they give each in love and all the touching ;) I've seen some photos from the latest con and some of them have caught one of the boys giving the other one of those sexy looks...or just staring lovingly...then there's the ones of Jensen looking down at Jared ;)

Love the vids you posted...thanks for spending hrs on yt finding the right sure found them! :D

KAZ_2Y5 said...

Don't worry about linking me gives you the link after you watch the whole vid. I want to dl some of them lol.

PKtechGirl said...

Oh! Haven't thought of that. Hands on their hearts. Have too re-watch when I get time. But of course they are touching each others hearts... aww....:)

Julsus said...

Love em!!!! Oh many gay moments!!!! **sigh** Makes me happy!
