Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Door 3 - Angel cake

Hey guess who this blog is about! :P

First off I have to congratulate Caryn for getting Misha Collins to come to the NJ convention. :D
We are all happy you get to meet him but also insanely jealous. ;)

She has gotten strict instructions on everything she needs to find out about him and report back to us. How he smells, tastes and feels. Hopefully he wont mind her licking him, groping him and sniffing him. ;) lol

Because we could need an explanation to what he is up to in these 2 pics... O.o

Now to the goodness!!!

Ooops... Dean managed to sneak in there as well. ;)

21 days left.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention. I am very lucky to have Misha Collins come to the NJ con. :)

I love all the photos on MC and he looks so yummy in them. ;)

Don't know about tasting but the smell, touch, see and hear will definitely be used. :)

PKtechGirl said...

Yeah you are very happy. I wanna see him too but that'll never happen. :(

Doesn't he look very yummy! :D Like a cupcake! I wanna eat him up. ;)

What?! You're not gonna taste him? How will we know how if he tastes like Angel cake if you're not gonna taste him? ;)
Make sure to smell him though. I bet he smells nice. :)

Anonymous said...

Angel cupcake lol I'll have one of those :P

Short and sweet blog today :)

Misha is so fine...although I would love an explanation for those 2 pics...esp his hair in the 2nd one :P

So is that the first SPN con Misha will be going to? You guys get to be his first? ;)

Loving these blogs PK! :)

PKtechGirl said...

Angel cupcake with some Misha on top. :P

Short? O.O There's a lot of pics!! I'm gonna keep them fairly short though. Making them longer just takes too much time. It's just a fun thing I'm trying out. Don't even know how I will come up with ideas for all of them. They've all been about SPN so far but at some point I'll have to change the topic. Hopefully I'll find something you can all appreciate.

I want an explanation for that hair and I want an explanation for the outfit in the other.

Julsus said...

I wanna eat, lick & devour angel-man cake!!!! :P

Caryn is sssssooooooo lucky!!!! It makes me wanna cry! :P Sniff...yes....taste...definitely...feel...oh yeah...and in that order...

Julsus said...

Love the pic of Mish in the apron...and with the crazy hair!!! Everything he does is so perfect!!! :lol:

Can you tell I'm his adoring fangirl for life or what???? :P

PKtechGirl said...

I'm right the re with you Suze. Devour, eat and lick angel man cake.

Caryn sure is lucky! Can't believe she gets to meet Misha. Poor gal... all the things she has to do for us. ;)

Wonder what he is up in his crazy hair and that apron. Crazy perfect Misha. ;)