Friday, December 5, 2008

Door 5 - First gag

I just remembered I have to get this blog up and I have forgotten to come up with something good. Please don't hang me! I'll just do a quickie today.

First I'll start with something totally different. I heard this song on TV the other day and it made me think of this:

It's by Robin Peters from So you think you can dance Scandinavia. I just love that number so much. It's short but very cool and different.

Now it's gag time! Since I'm re-watching season 1 right now I thought why not season 1 gag reel. Of course all of you my trusty readers have already seen it but it's fun enough to watch again. :D

Jared just doesn't seem to be able to keep his fingers out of his nose. ;) Well now we know how his finger action looks like. :P

Oh oh! For those of you who have missed out on the ass equation! Check it out!

And a couple of pics of the boys wont hurt either. ;)

I'm liking that he is into animal rights. Now they only need to stop eating meat also. ;)


OK then... what is it? Like 19 days until xmas?


Julsus said...


Julsus said...

Gotta love quickies by PK!!! :P

Julsus said...

SYTYCD rocks!!!! Cool dance moves Robin!

Julsus said...

I wish the gag reels were longer...they amuse me so! :lol:

"Smack it!!"

Sam's hair :lol:

OMG!!! Papa Winchester!!! JDM is dead set sex on a stick when he laughs...okay even when he's not laughing :P

Julsus said...

What's to analyze re Jen's arse???? It's perfection...simple ;)

I wanna stroke it!!!! :P

Julsus said...

**hugs ya** ya litle mud monkey :D


Anonymous said...

I love your blogs and the gag reel from season 1 was great and I love watching the boys make fools of themselves. ;)

Those pics are great and the Jared and dog one with the cookie is very funny. :lol:

The Jensen's arse is great and you should do one for Jared as well. hehe


Anonymous said...

That pic at the end...that is my fave out of all the you eated my cookie pics!!!! :D

My internet browser won't let me view yt vids atm...I'll go and look for the SYTYCD vid in IE

I can't remember what else there was...all I can think of is the cookie pic lol :P

PKtechGirl said...

Yay Suze! That was the first. ;)

SYTYCD is fun! :) Too bad the evil TV company took down my SYTYCD vids. Those of Daniel. :(

The gag reels are fun. :D

I thought that too about JDM! Love his dimples. He's one hot daddy! :P

What's not to analyze about Jen's ass! Come on! That's pure brilliance. Beats calculating infinity and stuff like that which Dave does. He should be spending time on the AAE instead. I show it too him and he said that the person who came up with that was clever. I get the AAE I don't get the stuff Dave is on about. Weird. ;)

Blasphemy! Calling me a mud monkey. Hmm... we still gotta talk about that.

PKtechGirl said...

Hike and they are so good at making fools out of them selves. ;) And making others make fools out of them. And Jared seems to be the master mind behind it all.

The cookie is brilliant! :D

Jared is gonna get hiss arms calculated instead. ;) We already decided that.

PKtechGirl said...

Sal that cookie pic is the best! It makes me crack up. :D lol I love it!

It's always something isn't it?