Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Door 14 - Brothers Fight

Most of the time the brother love each other. But sometimes the man pain takes over and the feel the need to fight each other. Sometimes they do it just because they are siblings and that's what siblings do. Other times they do it because something influenced them to it. Like Sammy getting possessed by 'Meg' or Dean replaced by a shapeshifter.

I get that all the testosterone is hard to control and they sometimes need to use each other as punching bags. But the boys should just give in on the love sometimes as well.

Only 10 days left!


Anonymous said...

There were many times that the boys fought all throughout the entire series. They have punched, shot, knocked out, and yelled at each other but then never stop loving each other and that what matters.

I loved the video and the pics. \o/

PKtechGirl said...

I know... they fight a lot. Lots of bickering and some punches. But only for real if someone of them is possessed or something. Bet J2 loves the fight scenes. They get to touch each other! ;)

Anonymous said...

I love that forever pic! I haven't seen the 2nd pic b4 but I love that one too :D

Yes boys will be boys and boys fight :P There's gonna be more fighting when S4 continues...but after their going to talk about their feelings or if you read between the Wincest lines...confess their love to each other ;)

Yeah I bet they do love the fighting scenes and any excuse to touch each other lol.


PKtechGirl said...

I love it when they fight! :P Also love it when they make up... love it when they share their feelings. Love it when they touch. Wincest is love. Yay!

Julsus said...

And these are the things we love...possessed! pain...brotherly concern...shouting...Sammy Heartbreak Face **sigh**...YED...Slammy's arms...Dean's serious punching...blood!...sam being choked...Ipecac hand of doom! YAY!!!

Forever Sam/ likey the piccies ;)

Don't eat that snow cone kid!!!! :P